Sunday, February 24, 2008

Press On

"Nothing in the world can take the place of Persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan 'Press On' has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race."

~ Calvin Coolidge, 30th president of US (1872 - 1933)

I have often felt this way. I'm fairly bright and I know I have a modicum of talent, but it's persistence that got me to where I am. The real question is - How do I teach this to my kids? Can persistence be taught? I know my oldest son has it. He set out to own every Pokémon, and by gosh, he's done it!

Editors Note: This comic adequately sums up my feelings about grapefruit (and fruit in general). Brilliant.


Vaicheslav said...

Seems we have a few somethings in common. My name is Pasternak. I am the chief Doc for the 3643rd SecFor. I left Cropper in June of 07, a couple months ahead of my guys. I was NCOIC of second shift there with the 21st and 31st CSH along with two other of my medics, the other three were assigned to the DMC. I also did ConAir missions. Just strange to google "'Camp cropper' Pasternak" and find "Never Play Cards With a Man Called Doc". Of course there is more to the story, as I know you know from reading some random musings of yours.

The NL Wife said...

That comic MORE than adequately sums up your feelings about grapefruit. Are you sure you didn't write it?


BamBam said...

"Press on. Your defining moment may arrive just when you feel surrounded by adversity."
-David Cottrell

I remember that from a talk aimed at getting a group of us "un-motivatable" types, motivated. Three of the six given the talk went on to great things. Two others, went on to do very well.

And the last one?

He passed about 10 minutes after carrying a 9 year old girl out of the burning apartment she was in. They say he was in the building for a full 20(+) minutes, after the evacuation order was given.


And as for Fruit Sir.......

I think it's something you buy your wife and kids at the market or grocery store?

Be safe !